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  • I'm boarding my pet for the first time. What should I expect?
    Your pet will adjust quickly to our boarding facilities, our staff and routines. Feeding, cleaning and exercise are all scheduled events that bring order and structure to the boarding experience. You can do a lot to help prepare your pet for this environment in the days before your pet is to be boarded. First, establish a routine schedule of meal times and in general limit feeding to twice daily in line with our daily routine. Also, we routinely quiet the kennels down after 5pm to the pets adequate rest and comfort. It's best if your evening schedule in the week before boarding, is stable and consistent, and getting pets into a comfortable "wind down" to their day by 7 PM to 8.30 PM will enable them to adjust quickly to the kennels, once boarded.
  • What makes Four Paws Pet Country Pet Hotel a safe choice for my pet?
    Four Paws Pet Country Pet Hotel only employs safety-minded staff members and all our management team is trained in Pet First Aid. In the event of an emergency with your pet, we will first follow your instructions and then decide whether a visit to the vet is in order. Management is on call around-the-clock in case of an emergency.
  • Why should I board my pet?
    Boarding your pet is a great option to ensure that he/she receives quality, specialised care when you are not able to provide it. Boarding allows you to feel good about your trip without having to worry about your pet being alone. At Four Paws Country Pet Hotel, every animal is treated like our own and we love seeing the happy faces of the pets and their owners upon each return visit.
  • Can I bring their bed/toys while boarding with Four Paws Pet Country Pet Hotel?
    Yes, we encourage to bring enrichment ideas for your pets to keep them entertained whilst they are inside. You may bring their toys with them too but please mark them in permanent ink with your last name. Your pet’s toys will stay with them in their bedroom and we do our best to return all toys, but we are not responsible if a toy is lost or destroyed. You can also bring in your pets' (machine washable) blanket as a home comfort, but please no beds as we supply them.
  • What requirements are there for boarding?
    We require the following vaccinations for dogs: Canine Parvovirus is normally known as Parvo Canine Infections Hepatitis Distemper Leptospirosis Kennel Cough We require the following vaccinations for cats: Feline viral infectious respiratory disease (Cat Flu) Feline panleucopaenia (Enteritis) Feline leukaemia These vaccinations are covered by your pet's annual booster. Please check your vaccination card before booking. A flea and worm treatment to be given 5 days before boarding.
  • Can all my pets stay together in the same area?
    Yes we can accommodate your wishes and board your pets together in the same kennel or cat suite, as space allows (typically we allow up to 3 dogs in our large double pens and 2 dogs in our large single pens: this allows adequate space for each pet and promotes both comfort and safety). Up to 3 cats can be boarded together in one Chalet. We cant put dog(s) or cat(s) together, and we do not put dogs/cats from seperate familes in the same pen.
  • Are Cats and Dogs kept seperately?
    Yes, the cats are housed seperately from the dogs. We have two Catterys, a Penthouse Suite & Chalet Suite and one big Kennel Building. The cats are kept in a seperate area from the dogs and they cannot see each other.
  • What do I need to bring for my pet(s) to be able to board with you?
    We can supply everything your cat(s) or dog(s) need. Food, bedding, dishes, toys etc. All we need is your pets boardind form, up to date vaccination certificate/card/passport and any medication that they might be on. You're welcome to bring your own food, toys, blankets etc or whatever you think will help make your pet more comfortable on their holidays. For small animals such as Rabbits, Guinea - Pigs, we can supply a hutch, but you will need to bring food & bedding. For Rodents and birds, you must supply their cage, food and bedding.
  • Does your artifical grass get hot in the sun?
    NO - Although this might be true for some cheaper brands and lower grades of artificial grass, I want to assure you that our artificial grass is very good quality and is one of the highest grades on the market which does not get hot in the sun.
  • Do you offer a drop off/pick up service?
    At the moment this is not something we offer. However, a friend, family member or dog walker (of your choice) can collect your pet for you on your behalf within our opening hours. Please remember to tell us who, or you're pet will be staying with us.
  • Do my dog(s) have to come to a daycare session before they board for the first time?
    YES - If you are thinking about using our boarding service for the first time, we have introduced compulsory daycare sessions before your dogs first staycation. ​ Why are we doing this? ​ - To see if this is the right environment for your dog(s) before you leave them for a number of days - So your dog(s) can meet our team - So we can see if your dog(s) has any anxiety and may need extra daycare sessions before their staycation - And most importantly, to see if your dog is happy! ​ Kennels are not for every dog, despite how outgoing your dog might be. Dogs can act differently when being away from their owners, being around other dogs in a group setting and in a new environment. ​ It's important to us that your dog enjoys their holiday as much as you do!
  • Can I drop off/collect my pet(s) outside of your boarding hours, or in daycare hours?"
    NO - Daycare hours are special hours specifically for daycare customers only. Our opening hours are strict, please do not ask for outside of these hours.
  • Can I board my pregnant pet?
    NO - We do not accept pregnant pets. If there is possibility your pet could be pregnant, please let us know.
  • What requirements are there for boarding?
    We require the following vaccinations for DOGS: Canine Parvovirus is normally known as Parvo Canine Infections Hepatitis Distemper Leptospirosis Kennel Cough We require the following vaccinations for cats: Feline viral infectious respiratory disease (Cat Flu) Feline panleucopaenia (Enteritis) Feline leukaemia These vaccinations are covered by your pet's annual booster. Please check your vaccination card before booking.
  • Do you accept Cats & Dogs that haven't been vaccinated yearly?
    We do not accept any cat or dog that has not had their yearly standard vaccinations. Please make sure their vaccinations are up to date before boarding to avoid being turned away.
  • I can't find my vaccination card/certificate/passport for my pet, what should I do?"
    If you contact your veterinary practice and ask them to email a copy of your pets up to date vaccinations, they can do so.
  • Does my dog need to have the Kennel Cough Vaccination to be able to board with you?
    We like all dogs to have the Kennel Cough vaccine, but if your dog does not have the Kennel Cough vaccine. This is entirely at your own risk and you will need to sign a Kennel Cough disclaimer.
  • Is Kennel cough only caught in Kennels?
    No, Kennel cough can be caught anywhere; Walking on the cliffs, in dog parks, on beaches etc. It is also transmitted by bacteria on toys, food/water bowls, touching noses with other dogs, sniffing bottoms or just breathing in the same air as an infected dog. The reason the infection is called Kennel Cough is because it can be spread quickly amongst dogs in close quarters like kennels or an animal shelter. Kennel Cough is an airbourne virus which is primarily spread through the air and is highly contagious, much like the COVID 19 virus.
  • Why can't I pick my pet up on a Sundays & Bank Holidays?
    As a commercial business we are subject to Guernsey trading laws which do not permit us to open and trade on Sundays or Bank Holidays. So although we are on site caring for your pets, we are unable to open to any members of the public.
  • Opening hours for boarding drop-offs and collections
    NEW boarding opening hours: Monday to Friday 10am to 11.30am & 2.30pm to 4pm Saturday 10am to 1pm Sundays - Closed to the public All Bank Holidays - Closed to the public
  • Why can't I drop off my pet for boarding in your daycare hours?
    Daycare is a 'drop & go' service, which doesn't require forms, signatures or payment every time they get dropped off/collected. Not all members of the team are trained to check in/out boarding animals. We have set routines which not only help the pets but also keep things running more smoothly. Boarding collections/drop offs takes more time due to preparing all the items the pet has brought to take down to the office, talking to the owner, taking payments, removing pet names from everywhere to not confuse the night feeding staff, updating Petlinx, and sorting the paperwork out once the pet has gone as we have no admin staff in the office after 4pm. The staff who stay for daycare hours get ready by exercising the dogs in our care, feeding, enrichment to all pets, medication to those who need it, cleaning duties etc, before they head home at 5:30pm - There is a lot to get done in this small window of time. It would be too risky/stressful to drop off/collect cats, rabbits, birds etc in our doggy daycare hours, as there is a queue of dogs waiting to be dropped off/collected - We don't want any animal to start their staycation stressed out. We are not trying to be difficult but if we accept one person's request to collect before/after boarding hours, it not only takes time away from everything else that needs to be done during that time, but is unfair to those who have also asked. We would end up having everyone who is due to board for that day coming at the same time and we wouldn't get anything done! A friend, family member or a dog walker of your choice can collect your pets on your behalf within our opening hours as long as you let us know who and payment is made prior.
  • I can't make your opening hours, can my friend collect my pet for me?"
    Yes, a family member, friend, or dog walker of your choice can collect your pet(s) in our boarding hours, as long as you let us know the persons name who will be picking up your pet(s) and payment has been made before hand. If you haven't informed us that someone is coming to collect your pet on your behalf then your pet will stay with us.
  • Prices
    Dog Boarding Standard Kennel - £24 Oct per dog per day, or part thereof Luxury Kennels - £29 Oct per dog per day, or part thereof Doggy Daycare - £24 Oct per dog per day, or part thereof Cat Boarding Chalets & Penthouse suites - £16 Oct per cat per day, or part thereof Small Animal Boarding - Maximum 2 per hutch/cage Rabbits, Guinea-Pigs / Chinchilla / Rat £10 per hutch/cage per day, or part thereof - Hamster / Gerbil / mouse £6 per cage per day, or part thereof Birds £8 per day per cage Please get in touch if you'd like a quote by email, we do not offer quotes over the phone.
  • How long can my dog or cat board at Four Paws Country Pet Hotel? Do you discount for long-term boarding?
    Boarding can be indefinite but for long-term boarding, we request that your settle your account once a month. We do not offer any discounts for long stays, or for multiple pets.
  • Pet taxi to the vets
    If your pet(s) needs the vet when you are away, we charge for taking your pet to your vet. Our charges are as follows: £25 per hour. This includes a member of staffs time, vehicle costs & fuel. This does not include the vet fees or the price of the medication. Our Four Paws vehicle is fully insured to offer a pet taxi service.
  • Do I get a discount for two or more Cats?
    There is no discount for Cats sharing a Chalet Suite or a Penthouse Suite.
  • What might not be included in the total price?
    - Grooming extras - Emergency visits / pet taxis - Out of hours emergencies - Vet call outs - Vet Visits - Late fee charges - Medication Administration charges - Extended boarding days - Vet bills - Food i.e. If you've not provided us with enough food, and we've had to purchase special dietary food This will be disscussed on a case by case basis.
  • My dog or cat is on a special diet. Can I bring in my own food?
    If your pet requires a special diet, we encourage you to bring their food when boarding. Our trained staff will follow your instructions to make sure your pet continues their regular diet. If you pre-bag each meal in a separate bag labelled with your pet's name, your pet will receive the exact amount of food that you feed him or her at home. Please bring extra food in case you are delayed coming back from your holiday. If an animals diet is changed suddenly, it could lead to an upset stomach and diarrhoea. PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept RAW food, please make the changes to your pet diet before the stay to tin, cooked or dry food.
  • My dog is on a raw diet, can you accommodate this?"
    NO - We cannot accomadate a raw diet.
  • Are you able to cook chicken for my Dog/Cat?
    We are unable to cook food here but we do have a fridge and a freezer if you would like to cook the chicken and we can defrost it when necessary.
  • My dog is a grazer, can you leave the food down all day?"
    Yes, we will leave the food down for them all day so they can graze and then replace it at dinner time (unless it is wet food)
  • I have two (or more) dogs, how do you monitor how much they're eating?"
    Every Kennel has a dividing door inbetween the bedroom area and the front of the kennel where your dogs can be seperated at meal times to make sure both dogs are eating.
  • How do you know my Cat is drinking enough water?
    500mls of water is measured out from a measuring cup into a metal water bowl the first day the cat(s) arrive. The following morning the remaining water from the water bowl is tipped back into the measuring jug and we can see how much water has been drunk out of 500mls. Then this gets marked on our daily tick sheets, so we can monitor how much they've been drinking on a daily basis. If a cat is purely on a biscuit diet, they will consume more water. Clean water bowls are used everyday for every cat.
  • My dog(s) drinks alot and I'm worried they'll run out of water, how can you stop this from happening?"
    All Kennels have a big metal water bowl which is attached to the water system. Each bowl has a level in it, so no matter how much your dog drinks the bowl will always fill back up. All bowls are cleaned on a regular basis to help maintain the highest level of hygiene. These bowls are anti-tip too!
  • Do you supply Cat & Dog Food?
    DOGS: We do not supply grain free, puppy/kitten or light food, and we are unable to gaurentee certain flavours of food. We supply 3 different brands of dry adult dog food: James Wellbeloved (Turkey only) Royal Canin Pedigree & 2 different brands of wet food: Pedigree, Butchers. If your dog eats anything else please bring it along with you. We have a fridge and a freezer if needed. CATS: We supply adult Go-Cat dry & Whiskas wet & dry PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept RAW food, please make the changes to your pet diet before the stay to dry, cooked or dry food.
  • My dog or cat is on a special diet. Can I bring in my own food?
    If your pet requires a special diet, we encourage you to bring their food when boarding. Our trained staff will follow your instructions to make sure your pet continues their regular diet. If you pre-bag each meal in a separate bag labelled with your pet's name, your pet will receive the exact amount of food that you feed him or her at home. Please bring extra food in case you are delayed coming back from your holiday. Please do not change your pets diet, as if an animals diet is changed suddenly, it could lead to an upset stomach and diarrhoea. PLEASE NOTE: We do not accept RAW food, please make the changes to your pet diet before the stay to tin, cooked or dry food.
  • My pets are thirsty when they come home from a boarding visit. Don’t they get water when they are with you? Or, why won’t they drink when they are being boarded?"
    Pets will frequently become very thirsty from the excitement and stress of seeing their family and loved ones again when they’re picked up. It’s natural and you should expect your pet to be a bit dehydrated from all the excitement once you get home. While in our care, pets are monitored carefully for their consumption of fresh water, which is continuously checked and refreshed throughout the day. And, just like the excitement of coming home, when they first are checked-in and settled in their kennel, they will tend to become very thirsty. We watch this carefully and are sure to provide plenty of fresh water upon check-in to get the pet fully hydrated. After the first 30 minutes or so, they settle into the new routine, get comfortable, and establish regular eating and drinking habits.
  • My pet lost weight during their boarding visit. Was my pet fed while boarded there? Is my pet sick?
    A pet may lose some weight while being boarded. Most of the weight loss is due to the excitement of being with other guests and the exercise they receive being in our large spacious runs. Pets that are in our social areas are getting constant activity, which contrasts with their more sedentary lifestyle at home. Therefore they burn a lot more calories during their boarding visit.
  • What grooming products do you use? My Dog has sensitive skin.
    The shampoo we mainly use here is 'Wahl' in Dirty Beasty, Oatmeal, and Aloe Smoothie. If your dog has their own prescribed/preferred shampoo, please bring it along with you to their appointment.
  • Do you groom cats?
    NO - We no longer groom cats. If your cat is boarding with us for a long period of time then we will make an exception.
  • What are your grooming prices?
    Prices - 2023 ​ Please note all prices are guideline/starting prices and could change due to size/breed, time it takes to groom your dog, condition of the dogs coat, and your dogs behaviour on the grooming table - an individual quote will be given once the pet has been seen by the Groomer. ​ Guideline/Starting Prices: Basic Washes - £20 Wash & Brush - £30 Demoult - £35 Tidy up - £45 Full Groom - £50 Breed Clip - £60 Clip off - £50
  • Can I stay and watch my dog be groomed?
    NO - Grooming is a drop and go service. We will call you once your dog is ready to collect.
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Pet Industry Federation (PIF) membership number: 56168477


24/7 Petcare Limited trading as Four Paws Country Pet Hotel (Guernsey) - Company registered number 36951

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